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  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
814 Bridge Road, Crown Point | (518) 597-4649
This lovely loop offers wonderful woods and water views, and travels through history!
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
Main St, Essex | (518) 597-4649
Upstate New York was the cradle of women's rights. Celebrate this slice of history with gorgeous views and abundant wildlife near Split Rock Mountain Wild Forest.
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
1234 Stevenson Rd, Westport | (518) 597-4649
This rolling route has some isolated steep hills in the mountains and easy cruises around Lake Champlain. Find out why Elizabethtown, the county seat, was first named "Pleasant Valley."
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
Port Kent Ferry Dock, Keeseville | (518) 597-4649
Travel through five different apple orchards. Getting there Services in Port Kent and Peru. 24.4 miles - Port Kent & Peru. Map & turn by turn directions on the PDF. Cycling A special delight in the spring blooming season! There are also spectacular...
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
Main St, Essex | (518) 597-4649
Along with the gorgeous views of the Adirondack Mountains and Lake Champlain and great cycling roads, there are also wonderful hiking possibilities along this route.
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
Ensign Pond Road, Moriah | (518) 597-4649
This lovely route is also a symbol of friendship: look for the stone with an image of the two shaking hands etched in it.
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
Lake Road, Crown Point | (518) 597-4649
Get a "bird's eye view" of many different vistas in this bike loop marked by a osprey's nest visible from the road. Ride between lake and meadow views, with mountains as a backdrop on both sides.
  1. 1 to 2 Hours
Lake Shore Road, Westport | (581) 962-2287
It can take a couple of hours to complete this short, 3 mile hike, but it's totally worth every step.
  1. 2+ to 4 Hours
  2. Trails
  3. Rock Climbing
  4. Ice Climbing
Route 9, Keeseville | (518) 962-2287
Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain has a commanding summit view which gets even better when the fire tower is open. There's 360 degree views of the High Peaks and Green Mountains in Vermont, Lake Champlain, and the Champlain Valley.
  1. 2+ to 4 Hours
Route 9, Elizabethtown | (866) 843-5253
Bald Peak has a trail which starts flat, crosses a stream, climbs steadily through forest, and then follows the stream. After a mile it turns left, crosses stream again and climbs steeply to summit with stunning views. 


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