Search Results
  1. Fishing Holes
Dixon Road, Lewis | (866) 843-5253
Spruce Mill Brook is a major tributary to the Boquet River and features stocked brook and brown trout. The brook begins as a series of small feeder streams in the town of Lewis and joins the North Branch of the Boquet River just south of Reber...
  1. Birding
, Westport | (866) 843-5253
The water treatment facility in Westport off Marks Road is a good place to check Lake Champlain in fall and winter. It is there that Hotsington Brook exits into the lake and a small sandy spit is good for wintering gulls and ducks.
  1. Birding
Dudley, Napper, and Stevenson Roads off Route 22, Westport | (518) 962-2287
The fields and woodlots south of Westport support a variety of breeding birds including warblers, field birds, and year round red-tailed hawks. It is easiest to cover the area by driving Dudley, Napper, and Stevenson Roads off of Route 22, and the...
  1. Birding
Albee Road, Essex | (518) 597-4649
Whallon Bay is an expansive bay that is often a place to spot something exciting, such as grebes and ducks.
  1. Birding
Clark, Cross, and Lakeshore Roads, Essex
The Magic Triangle, composed of Clark, Cross, and Lakeshore Roads (which form a triangle) south of Essex is a collection of woodlots and fields which attract birds throughout the year. Baltimore orioles, eastern kingbirds, great crested flycatchers...
  1. Birding
100 Fort Ti Rd, Ticonderoga | (518) 585-2821
While a visit to Fort Ticonderoga is usually aimed at understanding American history, the fort’s grounds can be excellent for birding.
  1. Birding
7305 VT Route 125, Crown Point | (802) 759-2412
The birding is so great in New York, it often spills over into Vermont! Just across the Champlain Bridge, visit Chimney Point to get a water's edge view of the lake and its incredible bird species.
  1. Birding
Wilcox Dock, Plattsburgh
The City of Plattsburgh offers a few good places to check out Lake Champlain. Wilcox Docks and boat launch area gives birders good views of Cumberland Bay and the surrounding lake where they can find wintering and migrating waterfowl such as...
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
34 Park Place, Port Henry | (518) 597-4649
This wonderfully scenic route goes by some of the most pivotal elements of the Industrial Revolution, explained by the two museums along the route. Mostly paved, cross bike recommended. Very hilly remote roads with limited services and some logging truck
  1. Road Loops / Tours
  2. Scenic Drives
16 Park Place, Port Henry | (518) 597-4649
Take a day long ride through some of the most remote paved roads in the whole park. View dozens of ponds and wetlands, cross several headwaters, and see some historic mining and farming areas. 36.3 miles, Intermediate. Paved roads, remote areas with...


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