Dates for this event

Sep 24, 2024
Oct 1, 2024
Oct 8, 2024
Oct 15, 2024
Oct 22, 2024
Oct 29, 2024

Fall 2024 Lyceum Series at the Whallonsburg Grange

September 24  - October 29
See More Dates

The Whallonsburg Grange presents: Fall 2024 Lyceum Series 

The Whallonsburg Grange Fall Lyceum kicks off a six lecture series on Tuesdays at 7:00pm on September 24 with author Kate Messner speaking on "Writing for the Mountains and Fighting for the Right to Read."


 The other five presentations are:
October 1: A Look Back at the Bridges and Roads of Whallonsburg and Essex
October 8: Why Acting on Climate Change is Hard (It’s Not Just Human Nature)
October 15: For the Love of Peat: A Visual Journey through Northern Peatlands
October 22: Driven to the Poorhouse: The County Home in Whallonsburg
October 29: In Search of a Remedy for Ingratitude


See speakers and program descriptions HERE.  


Suggested donation is $5 per lecture.


1610 NYS Rte 22, Essex, 12936
(518) 963-7777
$5 donation per lecture, students free


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