Dates for this event

May 4, 2024
May 5, 2024
May 6, 2024
May 7, 2024
May 8, 2024
May 9, 2024
May 10, 2024
May 11, 2024
May 12, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 14, 2024
May 15, 2024
May 16, 2024
May 17, 2024
May 18, 2024

Bird Banding at the Crown Point State Historic Site

May 4  - May 18
See More Dates

Crown Point State Historic Site welcomes the return of Crown Point Banding Station recording migration data on site for the 49th consecutive year. Due to the location under the Atlantic Flyway, the site is a premiere location for viewing birds migrating north for the season. Watch as this experienced team of citizen scientists net hundreds of birds, identify species and record their songs. Viewing tables are set a safe distance from the workstations enabling the public to observe the banders at work. Stop by and see nature at its most mysterious in action. 

The banding station will be in operation from the afternoon of Saturday, May 4th –  until noon on Satrurday, May 18th. 




Grandview Drive, Crown Point, 12928
(518) 597-4666


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