Dates for this event

Aug 24, 2023

Evening at the Library: Aquatic Invasives with Lauren Jenness of LCBP

August 24  - August 24
See More Dates

Presentation on Aquatic Invasive Species 

Come learn about the state of aquatic invasive species (AIS) on Lake Champlain at the Sherman Free Library the evening of August 24 beginning at 6:00 pm. Because about a dozen species in Lake Champlain have been documented to cause economic and ecological harm to our ecosystem, Federal, state, and provincial partners of the Lake Champlain Basin Program from New York, Vermont, and Quebéc have identified invasive species management as one of the highest priorities in the management plan for Lake Champlain.

Additional species, such as the round goby, are on our doorstep. Everyone who fishes and recreates on our region’s waterbodies can do their part to help prevent the spread of AIS by Cleaning, Draining, & Drying their boats and equipment.

Lauren Jenness is an Environmental Analyst at the Lake Champlain Basin Program who works closely with the Lake Champlain Boat Launch Steward Program.

Want to do some reading before the talk? Check out the links below!

Photo: Asian clams were discovered in Lake George in summer 2010. Photo: Lake George Association.


20 Church Street, Port Henry, 12974
(518) 546-7461


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