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A little bit of this, a little bit of that Shopping in the Lake Champlain Region offers the opportunity to explore 80-year-old stores and roadside stands, family-run businesses, and quaint boutiques. There aren't any superstores on every corner, and...

Your Quilt Shoppe

Your Quilt Shoppe will supply all your quilting needs, whether you are a novice or accomplished quilter or interested in purchasing a finished quilt for your home or as a gift. The Shoppe sells fabrics, threads, backing, patterns and instruction...

Creative Birch Bark

Creative, artistic works in a variety of mediums including: White birch bark, Jewelry, Fractal burns, Epoxy art and Stained glass. About the artist, Christine Lang: I reside in the Adirondack State Park in upstate New York. Many individuals living in...


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