Revolutionary history. Rebellious Spirits. War Cannon Spirits is situated amidst the historic allure of two 18th century forts, nestled along the scenic shores of Lake Champlain. These forts, intricately intertwined with both regional and national...
Ausable Brewing Company is a farm-based nanobrewery owned and operated by brothers Dan and Dylan Badger. Located on 140 acres in the Champlain Valley just east of the Adirondack High Peaks, ABC is dedicated to serving a variety of high quality ales...
Mountain views and tasty brews That's what you'll find in the Lake Champlain Region! After a day of explorations, legendary views, and epic adventures, cool off with a cold one at any one of the region's restaurants and pubs. Creative cocktails adorn...
Catch of the day Lake Champlain restaurants offer an array of cuisines and atmospheres, many with breathtaking views of the lake and the surrounding Adirondack and Green mountains. From family-friendly fare to pub food and fresh beer to fine dining...