About the Adirondack Harvest Festival Open Farm Week 2021
This year, the Adirondack Harvest Festival will be a “Free Range” Open Farm Week. This means we are expanding the festivities across the Adirondack Park with over seventy-five events at different farms, businesses, and community organizations.
Open Farm Week will be Monday, September 13 through Sunday, September 19.
Events range in duration, interest, and immersion. There will be demonstrations, hands-on workshops, you-pick flowers, pumpkins and veggies, farm tours wagon rides, bird-watching hikes, hot air balloon tether rides, local wine, beer and spirit tastings, a long table harvest celebration dinner, maker markets, and much more. Families can find events that are specifically geared toward kids. Event locations span from Champlain, Saratoga Springs, Blue Mountain Lake, and Canton.
Full list of events and activities

Open Farm Week is an opportunity for community members and people visiting the Adirondacks to see how agriculture in the Adirondacks creates a stronger local food system, preserves open space, and supports communities.
Some featured events in the Lake Champlain Region include:
Birding hikes with Champlain Area Trails at Barred Owl Brook Farm in Essex and at Ben Wever Farm in Willsboro
“Featured Chef” Long Table Dinner in the garden at DaCy Meadow Farm in Westport
Watch cows going in for milking, and participate in a farm tour at North Country Creamery in Keeseville
Attend a guided tour at Tangleroot Farm, Juniper Hill Farm, and Essex Farm
See a hot air balloon, and pick your own bouquet in Keeseville

At each event, there will be an opportunity to enter a raffle. The more events you participate in, the better your chances at winning the grand prize — $200 to spend at the Adirondack Harvest business of your choice. Entry details will be provided at event locations.
Participants in all events will be expected to follow the most current New York State COVID-19 safety recommendations.