Wonderful views with great rock quality and room for expansion. Several nearby satellite crags along the trail make this a great spot to spend a day.
How to get there
Hurricane Mountain Trailhead: From Route 9N, trail leaves north side of Route 9N 3.5 mi E of the junction of Route 9N and Route 73.
By the numbers
From the East: This approach was once used by fire tower observer; start is at the end of a road that branches R off Route 9N 2.2 mi. from the jct. of Route 9N and Route 9 at the S end of the village of Elizabethtown.
From Keene: The start of the path is at the end of O’Toole Ln. off of Hurricane Rd.
Rock climbing
A variety of fantastic single and multi pitch climbs ranging from 5.3 to 5.10c, this area has fantastic offerings. For more info and the best crag/route specific beta, pick up a copy of the Adirondack Rock guidebook, and visit the crag's page on Mountain Project.