Beggs Park

Beggs Park occupies a lovely point of land where there used to be manufacturing of horseshoe nails and window sashes, since burned down in the early 1900s.

Clear Pond

Clear Pond is as quiet a pond as you will find anywhere, and although many hikers use the trails surrounding the pond, very few access it by boat. Use the area trails to extend your adventure, and even consider a second carry to Rock Pond to the north.

50th Annual Essex Day

Come celebrate the 50th annual Essex Day in beautiful Essex on Lake Champlain! Every year, the Town of Essex comes together on the first Saturday of August and celebrates our community with a town-wide yard sale and street party. Come join the fun and...

E'town Day 2024

E'town Day-Celebrating since 1998 Celebrate a great town on Saturday, July 20. Town-wide garage sale in the morning. Parade at 3:00 pm, with a celebration at the Cobble Hill Golf Course after the parade. Fireworks at Dusk!


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