Dates for this event

Apr 13, 2024

Spring Out of Winter at Ticonderoga Elks

April 13  - April 13
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Spring out of Winter at Ticonderoga Elks Lodge!

Our local Elks Lodge holds so many events for our community and youth. Many of those activities are free. In order to continue holding free events for our youth and community, we occasionally hold fundraisers to raise the money to offer these activities. This event will help support several upcoming events, so please join us by purchasing a ticket, and come out and enjoy a day of great music, great food and great fun!
3 bands playing an assortment of music from Country, Classic Rock, Beetles, Allman Brothers, Pink Floyd, and much more!

BBQ style buffet, included with ticket price, consists of hamburgers, hot dogs, michigans, and many assorted salads and desserts.
Doors open at 3:30PM. Bands will start at 4:00PM. The 3 bands are Art N Shawna from the Grit N Whiskey Band, Rustic Spirit, and Haze Riders.
Tickets are limited so GET YOURS NOW! $35.00/person includes your meal! For ticket purchase you can contact Pam Moser, Tabitha Woods, or the Elks Lodge.
Come support this event so the Elks can support all of their Charities!


5 Tower Ave POB 310, Ticonderoga, 12883
(518) 585-2277
4:00 - 10:00pm


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