Dates for this event

Apr 7, 2024

Split Rock Wildway Hike

April 7  - April 7
See More Dates

Come for a pre-Eclipse hike and learn about the Split Rock Wildway with John Davis, a rewilding advocate with years of experience working to protect the Split Rock Wildway.  Click here to learn more.

The Flying Squirrel Trail and Wildway Passage Nature Preserve are pieces of the Split Rock Wildway. On the trail,s you’ll hike through a cedar forest and cross over some scenic streams. This is a beautiful section of forest with critical ties to the animal migration paths. This will be about 3 miles roundtrip on fairly mellow terrain.  

WHAT TO BRING: Early April can be chilly. Make sure to bring a good jacket, boots, and water. 

DIRECTIONS: The starting trailhead is on Lakeshore Road, across from the NYSDEC Split Rock Wild Forest Trails. You will park at the trailhead for Split Rock Forest. Click here for Google Maps directions.

REGISTRATION: There is limited space. Click here to register.


6482 Main Street POB 193, Westport, 12993
(518) 962-2287
10:00am - 12:00pm


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