Dates for this event

Jun 27, 2024

Pursuing Racial Justice on the Adirondack Frontier

June 27  - June 27
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The Adirondack History Museum presents: Consensus and Complicity

Thursday, June 27th at 7 PM. How Regional, County, and Town Historians Denied a Black Adirondack Farm Colony its Due 

Amy Godine, author of “The Black Woods: Pursuing Racial Justice on the Adirondack Frontier,” speaks about the Black pioneers who came to the Adirondack wilderness before the Civil War to farm and gain the right to vote. For over a century, historians marginalized this abolitionist-founded Black farm colony, focusing instead on the pioneers’ famous neighbor, the abolitionist John Brown. Godine’s immersive story returns the Black homesteaders to the center of their history and reveals an Adirondacks distinguished by racial diversity and integrated community-building.

Admission is $8/AHM Members free. Doors open at 6:30 PM.



7590 Court Street, Elizabethtown, 12932
(518) 873-6466
$8, AHM members free


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