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Piano by Nature at the Essex Quarry Nature Preserve
Ben Cosgrove returns to the Essex Quarry for Piano by Nature
On Saturday, October 19th at 2PM you can hear pianist Ben Cosgrove’s compelling compositions beautifully intertwine with the gorgeous natural Fall surroundings of the CATS Essex Quarry Nature Preserve. Ben will take us on his special one-of-a-kind musical journey, completely unique to this location and spectacular Fall season, and explore more ways in which music can help to create a sense of belonging by and in nature. In order for this very special piano concert to happen, we have joined forces with area superstars Chris Maron of Champlain Area Trails and Chris Rawson of Rawson Family Pianos in Plattsburgh. CATS has generously given us the green light to present pianist Ben Cosgrove at the Essex Quarry Nature Preserve, once again performing on a grand piano supplied by Chris Rawson of Rawson Family Pianos in Plattsburgh. ~ Rose Chancler, Artistic Director, Piano by Nature