Dates for this event

May 10, 2025

3-Day Battle Reenactment: No Quarter!

May 10  - May 10
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Real Time Revolution at Fort Ticonderoga

Attend the 250th Anniversary reenactment of the capture of Fort Ticonderoga by Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, and the Green Mountain Boys as well as the immediate aftermath. Examine the real story behind America’s First Victory and learn of America’s first offensive push of the Revolution. Attend the night-time program and witness the Green Mountain Boys storming the gates to capture Ticonderoga.

May 10th Schedule of Events

  • 9:30 a.m. Fort Ticonderoga Opens to Visitors

  • 10:15 a.m. Key to the Continent Guided Tour (Begins at American Flag) In this entertaining half-hour tour, discover the incredible story of Ticonderoga and all the great experiences Fort Ticonderoga offers today. Learn about the iconic battles of Ticonderoga within the French & Indian War and the Revolutionary War. Explore groundbreaking preservation and reconstruction efforts that allow Fort Ticonderoga to bring to life its heroic tales today and for generations to come.

  • 11:00 a.m. Musket Demonstration (Demonstration Area) Meet the British soldier in 1775 with his musket and bayonet. Go beyond loading and firing to discuss what traditions remained and what tactical innovations the British Army in North America adopted after the French & Indian War.

  • 11:30 a.m. A Guided Tour of the Fort Ticonderoga Museum (Parade Ground) More than a century of collecting has allowed Fort Ticonderoga to acquire North America’s largest and most important collection of 18th-century military material culture. This guided tour will give you the scoop on the most significant, rare, and interesting pieces on exhibition.

  • 11:45 a.m. Breaking Ground: A Tour of the Historic Gardens (Begins at Greenhouse) From military garrison gardens to a secluded colonial revival commemorative spectacle of color and light, explore one of the oldest cultivated landscapes in America. Discover the layers of horticultural history of the Ticonderoga peninsula.

  • 1:15 p.m. Key to the Continent Guided Tour (Beginning at American Flag) See 10:15 a.m. description.

  • 2:00 p.m. Cannon Demonstration (Demonstration Area) In addition to soldiers, a handful of British artillerymen maintained the guns of Ticonderoga, a legacy of the great campaigns of the French & Indian War. Discover the British naval training used to safely fire these cannons from the old fort’s walls.

  • 2:30 p.m. A Guided Tour of the Fort Ticonderoga Museum (Parade Ground) See 11:30 a.m. description.

  • 2:45 p.m. Breaking Ground: A Tour of the Historic Gardens (Begins at Greenhouse)See 11:45 a.m. description.

  • 3:00 p.m. Key to the Continent Guided Tour (Begins at American Flag)See 10:15 a.m. description.

  • 4:00 p.m. Mount Defiance: Witness to History Guided Tour (72 Defiance Street) Oh, the stories this graceful mountain could tell overlooking Fort Ticonderoga! Ascendto the summit of Mount Defiance to get the birds-eye view of this epic military landscape and learn how this height shaped Fort Ticonderoga’s history.

  • 5:00 p.m. Fort Ticonderoga Closes to Visitors

Schedule of events for May 9th and May 11th.

Planning a stay in Ticonderoga? Explore lodging options here. Hungry? Check out the best dining spots in the area here.


102 Fort Ti Road, Ticonderoga, 12883
(518) 585-2821
Adult $30.00 Senior $28.00 Child (5-15) $14.00 Child (<5)Free
9:30am - 5:00pm


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