A beautifully situated spot with views of both the sheltered Corlaer Bay and the open water of Lake Champlain. Nearby Schuyler Island (aka Schuylers Island and Whitney Island) has a rocky shore and flat terrain. This invites migratory birds during nesting season such as geese, ducks, cormorants, and loons. The close proximity of Ausable Marsh Wildlife Management Area and Wickham Marsh means there are a variety of herons who might venture by, such as Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, and Black-Crowned Night Heron.
How to get there
This spot is just a short drive from Keeseville. From the intersection of Routes 9 and 22, head south on Route 9/ Front Street and take a quick left onto Clinton Street. Clinton Street soon becomes Port Douglas Road. Follow this for 3 miles. Near the water, hang a left around a corner and the boat launch will be on your right.